I am the most dangerous man in this room
I tick all of the boxes
I am young
And happily assigned by my doctors
If I get old I will be even worse
Because old white men are destroying the earth
I am the soldier pinned down in the plaza
And I build the tanks they throw stones at in Gaza
I am the racist that fears immigration
And I cut the legs out from his education
Make no mistake I am a vehicle of imperial hate
And it’s not beautiful or natural if I use a toy to
My sex is base
I’m an animal salivating
Dominating you is an expression of power
If I marry you
I become more likely to kill you than any stranger
I might walk you home
But I am the danger
If this disgusts you
And makes you cry out
If enough of us say that then one day it won’t be
But right now
I am more likely to be killed by a man like me
Be it murder or suicide
When men don’t care
And boys don’t cry
It’s not just our victims who die