Saturday, 6 July 2013

A poem by special guest Michael Bay

In the not too distant future I set the scene
It’s a New York that looks a little too much like Toronto
And the streets are filled with not too foreign ethnics
Shouting streetwise slogans
Suddenly, there’s an explosion

Metaphors and similes fly out in all directions
Innocent bystanders are blindsided by a dynamic duo
Of imagery and imagination

Someone shouts ‘What is the cause?’ And some Twat replies ‘Synergy’.
A cultural icon fallen on hard times shouts ‘Who we gonna call?’
I fall to me mainstay, the beef

Since I worry archaeology might go over the head of me audience
I explain he just graduated from Harvard
He read Wordology

Armed with an arsenal of alliteration he begins to battle
Blasting back the bastards with a bombardment
Of bombastic bombs, backing them
Into a bad actor in bad films
But a good actor in good films
Who screams ‘Oh God not the bees!’
And a boom box that’s been held high explodes

It’s time to introduce the big bad
A 17 year old played by an actor in her mid-twenties
Who was hired by the execs via the tits to hips ratio

A child prodigy she got a double doctorate
At 14 from Yale, Medicine and Super villainy
Enter Stage left, Dr Death M.D

Her dastardly plan? To bring back the sonnet

She launches into a monologue about the technical
Genius of the greats, the over reliance of modern poets have on punch lines and how her daddy never loved her

This gives our hero the beef time to change into black leather
And watch a five minute instructional YouTube video
On Kung Fu
He takes a flying leap over her bodyguard sharks
Dodging the laser beams fired from their frickin heads
And kills to death her improbably large right hand man

Joined by the man covered in bees and the
Singing bus conductor they trap Dr Death M.D in a university library
The world is safe again

Until the next time

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