Saturday, 6 July 2013

Halfway to Neverwhere

What am I, a Man?

Look with your eyes I know it’s hard to see past the façade that I put on the outside of me.

But on the outside chance you get inside then maybe you could tell me what it is that you see

And if happenstance could give me that happy chance maybe we could go out for a drink or three

Cos you must be a special person to see into the inside of me

I tried once looked mesel dead in the eyes but me must have been shy cos he gave me that awkward eye

That awkward glance, the one I save for lasses when I’m thinking about romance

So like Bon Jovi I’m half way there half aware that half of Me’s out there never scared

The other half of Me’s a mystery I think he got lost half way between here and neverwhere

So, I’m half a man some of the time
And some of the time plus half the time is all the time
And all of the time or some of the time I tell half-truths
And half of the time these half-truths are benign
Like that time I said I’d be out at nine but it was actually half past that’s fine

It’s the ones like yeah me and her did sleep together that time that finely toe the line
And it’s not that he’s a liar he just knows he can get away with being an implier in a new place where not
even he knas who he is so for that short moment its him they’ll admire

Cos it’s her they desire

It’s a common thing to want and I’m a common man

I’m a common man with a mother and father, well actually the father’s another mother but there’s nothing I’d rather have.

Let me tell you the final thing about me, well actually it’s a two parter but that’s fine cos this half and that half agree

And if you take nothing else then take this away with you please
There’s no one else and nowhere else that we would rather be

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