Saturday, 6 July 2013

This is why we can't have nice things

Where does me inspiration come from
it comes from hip hop
12 cans of beer fucks writers block
And then I'm on the drink bring everything you've got
Unstoppable like the seconds on a handless clock

Look the other way bury your head in the sand
But there's just some things about me you'll never understand
you're bereft of Gorm you gormless motherfucker
The only worth you've got is not being the norm

But unique for its own sake doesn't make you useful
you've got to believe in something and stand up for it too

You might think all us students feast on raw shark
But I kna more who say bugger this for a lark
Even if in me heart I'm a political activist
with the state of it all I've become a political apathist

But when the police think it’s ok to come in and taze us
and pepper spray the eyes of the physically blameless
If you take a look at how the media portrays this
you'd think that us students are actually dangerous

We're poets and artists, on paper we're harmless
the only power that I've got is what I can lyrically harness
Does our creativity scare you since you divven't own it?
If you divven't own it then you cannit control it

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